Why Digitalisation Should Be One of Your Business New Year Resolutions

Why Digitalisation Should Be One of Your Business New Year Resolutions

“It’s a big job. We don’t have the time or budget to implement it.” This was the response given by one professional clothing manufacturer when asked about digitisation plans for his business. Others in the room had similar views, Bodi.Me’s CEO and co-founder, Lara...

The Fashion Industry’s Struggle for Sustainable Decarbonization

The Fashion Industry’s Struggle for Sustainable Decarbonization

In Kenneth Pucker's insightful Business Of Fashion (BOF) article, he sheds light on the pressing challenge confronting the fashion industry as it strives for sustainable decarbonization. Pucker draws attention to a pivotal study conducted by Achim Berg's team at...

Can ChatGPT solve fashion’s size and fit problem?

Can ChatGPT solve fashion’s size and fit problem?

The headlines are awash with stories about ChatGPT and AI. Indeed, ChatGPT has, in many ways, taken the world by storm since its launch to the public on 4 December 2022. Just eight weeks later, it had more than 100 million registered users. ChatGPT is a chatbot that...

Top 3D Technology Companies & Startups (London)

Top 3D Technology Companies & Startups (London)

Bodi.Me is proud to have been selected in the top 99 London Tech Startups 2022.  The Best Startup Magazine  has researched among over 100,000 companies and ranked all these business by track record, Executive leadership Market share, Innovation ESG rating. The Best...

Bodi.Me wins PCIAW award

Bodi.Me wins PCIAW award

Size & fit clothing tech, without intrusive 3D body scans technologies wins global clothing association PCIAW award for best innovative technology for the second consecutive year  Bodi.Me is honoured won for the second consecutive year, the Best Application of...

5 Top Reasons to Use Fashion Fit Technology

5 Top Reasons Why Brands, Uniform & Garments Manufacturer Should Use Fashion Fit Technology Fashion fit technologies were catapulted into the spotlight by Covid as clothing suppliers of all types looked for ways to improve the online ordering experience and reduce...